Monday 2 September 2013

Whats in my bag?

Perhaps because I’m nosy or maybe just because I’m a girl, but I’m always a sucker for a “Whats in my bag post.” Whenever I see one I just have to have a little snoop so - without further a do I shall add my own to the array. 

The bag I feature is from Zara a couple of years ago and has been my goto bag ever since being both roomy (I have a lot of stuff) and strong, the handle lasts far longer than any other I have ever come across. 

Baring in mind that these photos do not show any of the rubbish I also cart around with me - old receipts, plastic bags and half empty packets of tissues - but they give you some idea of the amount of stuff I cart around. So starting from the top and moving clockwise I have a packet of wet ones wet wipes, my river island coral purse, my go to snack of “go ahead bars” for when I get hungry on the go, my sunglasses from John Lewis, my filofax, my Revlon rosy nude lipstick, the best handcream and my Oxford book of short stories - perfect for when I’m stuck on the bus with nothing to do. 

So there you go, a little nosey into my life. What do you carry around with you? 

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